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Temperature screening starts

Wednesday, 01 Apr 2020

Quality manager Kim White (left) and nurse Jo Kellar were part of our meet-&-greet team at the front door of our Warrnambool Base Hospital last night as we commenced the temperature screening of our visitors.

After having their temps taken, and filling out a visitor form, all 36 were allowed to enter. This new precaution will further protect our patients, consumers, staff, registered volunteers and the community from Coronavirus transmission.

Our new hospital visitor hours, enforced on Monday, are being well received. One visitor per patient per day for one hour only, between the hours of 5 – 7pm. No visitors under 16. No visitors to Merindah Lodge.

We continue to encourage friends and family to stay in touch with their loved ones in any type of medical, mental health or aged care facility they may be. Social distancing should not mean social isolation. There’s dozens of ways to stay in touch, from zoom, skype and snapchat to a phone call or even snail mail.

Page last updated: 15 December 2020

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