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Team effort protects food supply

  • General
Thursday, 02 Apr 2020

Here’s another great behind-the-scenes story of local businesses not hesitating to help us during these unprecedented times.

Chefs Amy Wallace and Robyn Drake load up the freezer.

We’re now shoring-up our food supplies in case we get an increase in patients. Midfield International not only craned in a freezer for us as soon as we called them for help. They’ve also loaned it free of charge. Now, our Food Services staff are working harder than ever – menu planning, prepping and cooking to fill up this standby freezer while, inspiringly, still doing their usual day’s work, as well.

So far they’ve frozen 3,000 main meals, 1,000 desserts and 1,000 soups. And all while continuing to provide meals for all of our inpatients, the staff in our staff cafeteria, the staff and other customers at Café Nosh (currently takeaway-only), residents of some local aged care facilities, the customers of our daily Meals on Wheels service, and the customers of our three-days-week Fresh Deliver service. Go team. You rock.

Thank you to everyone in our kitchen. Thank you Midfields. Thank you to our Supply Department and Building & Infrastructure teams (for organising the logistics for the arrival and placement of the freezer). ANOTHER fantastic team effort.

Food Services manager Craig McLeod in the half-full bulk freezer. By Friday he says it will be chockers.

Executive chef Brendan Cooke and chef Gary Smith sealing meals. 5,000 have been sealed for bulk freezing so far.

Executive chef Brian MacKenzie and a huge amount of honey soy chicken.

Executive chef Brian MacKenzie and a huge amount of honey soy chicken.


Page last updated: 15 December 2020

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