COVID Christmas Nativity Scene by Camperdown Community Health & the David Newman Centre.
Their combined submission of a real-life COVID-themed nativity scene stole the show. Joseph, Mary and Baby Jesus are pictured beneath the barn, guided by an angel and a star, surrounded by a donkey and a cow. Infection Control is conducting a swab to test for COVID-19. The three wise men who’ve travelled from afar are in quarantine, guarded by police to ensure they don’t do a runner. The wise men’s gifts include the Amazing Race Trophy won by the Camperdown team in 2019. There’s also some Baby Cheeses hidden in the money pot.
A record 21 entries were submitted and the talent was extremely high, making it a very tough job for our judges, Warrnambool Gem Club president Helen Butrumlis, SWH nursing and midwifery services executive director Gaynor Stevenson and SWH board director Kylie Gaston.
The runners up were Warrnambool Community Health, the Day Stay Unit and the Short Stay Unit.
CEO Craig Fraser has congratulated everyone involved in the comp and says he’s amazed by the amount of effort that’s gone into creating such a festive and joyful atmosphere for our patients, clients, residents, consumers, and workforce.
Inaugural CEO Awards have been bestowed on the decorating efforts of our Short Stay and Paediatrics Units.