Three gorgeous sensory gardens they’ve developed for consumers and staff at both low- and high-dependency areas at our Warrnambool campus were singled out by the Department of Health and Human Services as a terrific example of staff and consumer collaboration. Where once weeds roamed free now stands a tranquil women’s courtyard sensory garden, a veggie garden and another garden full-to-the-brim with sensory pots and succulents.
‘The inspiration, dedication and sheer hard work that’s gone into the development of these gardens is now reflected and recognised through the achievement of this Consumer Collaboration Award at the 2020 Safewards Victoria Innovation Awards. These gardens will provide pleasure and benefit to consumers on their recovery journey with us for years to come and I congratulate our staff and consumers on achieving this statewide recognition,’ says SWH Mental Health Services executive director Richard Campion.
Here’s the 6.5 minute award-winning presentation…/1sA2gVhzeIGBEWVGSAj5…/view… and the pic’s of some of the award-winning team: therapeutic recreation worker Helen Ward (from left), registered nurse Barry Rawlings, clinical nurse consultant Ed Aquin, nurse unit manager Priscilla Makombo, administrative support officer Aimee Grinter and mental health service development project officer Brooke Chambers.