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Hamilton Community Mental Health and Wellbeing design update

  • Redevelopment
Monday, 10 Jul 2023

Access to mental health and wellbeing support for both adults and young people will increase in the Southern Grampians area with the opening of the new South West Healthcare Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Services building in Hamilton early next year.

The $3.22M Hamilton Community Mental Health and Wellbeing development has recently seen the accomplishment of major project milestones with schematic design and detailed design complete and signed off, allowing the project to now progress to tender for builder.

The new community mental health and wellbeing building will include five new consultation suites, adult and paediatric waiting rooms plus observation space and secure outdoor spaces with sensory garden features to allow for advanced wellbeing support of those living in the Hamilton and surrounding community.  Large staff areas also provide dedicated work areas for the local and visiting MH teams.

The Hamilton Community Mental Team, groups of staff and lived experience consumers across the adult and paediatric cohort came together with the project architects and SWH redevelopment team to participate in multiple co-design workshops , in which feedback and input was sought to inform the design of the new building. The design ensures a contemporary, best practice building that will support our MH teams to continue to deliver quality care to consumers.

Any feedback related to South West Healthcare redevelopment projects can be directed to

Page last updated: 25 July 2023

We value feedback from patients, consumers, family members and carers.