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Green space therapy

  • Warrnambool Base Hospital
  • Mental Health Inpatient Unit
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Fundraising
  • Donations
Wednesday, 05 Jun 2024

Standing on the lawn we plan to build a beautiful garden gazebo on for the people we care for in our Warrnambool Mental Health Inpatient Unit, representatives from two compassionate clubs came together today to launch the $19,870 appeal to pay for it.

The Nirranda Football Netball Club donated the $2,000 proceeds of its April Lady’s Day Luncheon and the Rotary Club of Warrnambool East donated $5,000 from its equally-impressive fundraising activities.

Our SWH Mental Health Services executive director Richard Campion and Mental Health Inpatient Unit nurse unit manager Olivia Walker were thrilled to receive these two generous donations – which will result in providing a much-needed outdoor space of peace and prettiness.

Offering options for patients to increase their exposure to green space is such a great thing. The mental health benefits of time spent in green space continue to be positively documented around the world. Time spent in green space is considered to be as valuable an alternative therapy as the likes of music therapy and therapy dogs. The French call it *cultiver son jardin interieur* which means tending to your internal garden to take care of your mind. Being in a natural setting and hearing the chirp of birds, the rustling of leaves, the sound of water… can ground focus, increase mindfulness and renew your connection to the earth.

If you’d like to make a (tax deductible) donation to help us build this gazebo please call appeal manager Suzan Morey on 5564 4100.

From left: Rotary Club of Warrnambool East president Roger Cussen, SWH Mental Health Services executive director Richard Campion, Rotary Club of Warrnambool East community services director Tim McLeod,  SWH Mental Health Inpatient Unit nurse unit manager Olivia Walker and Nirranda Football Netball Club social club chair Emma Keogh.

Page last updated: 5 June 2024

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