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Austin 7 Club donates $11,000

  • Fundraising
Friday, 15 Apr 2022

A 100th birthday party of the Austin 7 Club took a twist last night. Instead of receiving gifts, the club handed one out. And a very large one at that.

More than 130 Austin 7 cars and their owners from all around Australia, and as far away as the UK, have spent the past week in and around Warrnambool for their national centenary rally. Along the way, there’s been some significant fundraising moments which, at last night’s centenary rally final dinner, culminated in $11,000 being donated to our SWH $44,000 Rapid Infuser Appeal.


SWH community partnerships manager Suzan Morey says this wonderful donation kicks off the appeal in the best way imaginable: ‘This incredibly generous $11,000 gift means we’re already a quarter of the way towards hitting our fundraising target. We’re so thrilled, and grateful, the Austin 7 Club chose this local cause to donate its fundraising proceeds to.’


A rapid infuser is a piece of lifesaving medical equipment that rapidly delivers high volumes of warmed blood and fluids to replace blood lost from a trauma (such as a farm or car accident) enabling theatre clinicians to do their best work. If you’d like to make a donation to this appeal please contact Suzan at or on 03 5564 4100.


PHOTO: Austin 7 Club members Robert Baudinette (from left), Steve Morgan, Andrea Casabene and Victorian president Len Kerwood with Suzan Morey (centre).  Photo courtesy of Steven Hendy Photography.

Page last updated: 15 April 2022

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