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We wish her the best

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Our Mental Health Services (MHS) has bid a sad farewell to Janet Punch who’s retired from MHS after an amazing 38 years (or as she tells us, 38 years, 5 months and 16 days) and a total 42 years as a nurse.

Janet has filled a number of roles during her time with us – from being a community clinician back in the 1980s before moving to the role of educator and more recently to the role of quality coordinator. During her time in mental health she’s witnessed significant changes from the provision of institutional-based care to the decommissioning of large mental health hospitals, and the move to recovery-oriented services which promote engagement and support within the community. (When she commenced her role as a community mental health nurse she was one of only four staff who provided support across our entire South West region.)


Janet has been a mentor to literally hundreds of staff and has provided leadership to numerous projects and service developments, all with the ultimate goal of improving care to consumers and their families. The perfect example of living our values, she’s also been a driving force behind the creation of our SWH Wall of Poppies installation, has sewn scrubs to address shortages during the pandemic, has been an active member of our StarBeat choir, is 50% of the team that installs the Christmas display in our Warrnambool Base Hospital foyer, and has pitched in everywhere else she’s been needed. She’s pictured here (left) with MHS carer consultant Alison Tickner during our recent tour of the Budj Bim Tyrendarra Indigenous Protected Area as a part of MHS’ Walking Together on Country series.


Janet will be sadly missed by our entire Mental Health Services division and by our entire South West Healthcare family. We wish her the very best in her transition to retirement and thank her for her significant contribution to MHS and SWH. May she get to travel to your heart’s content, embark on endless adventures, see many musicals, and continue to sew-up a storm for the Holiday Actors.

Page last updated: 19 May 2021

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