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They’re about to do another 520K ride home

  • General
Friday, 26 Mar 2021

Some of our theatre staff came out to wave off their colleagues this morning as our Scrubbers & The Gasman team headed for Mildura. They’d be there by now and the irony’s not lost on us that it’s a six-hour drive up but a two-day/evening ride back.

It’s the eve of the 2021 Murray2Moyne Cycle Relay. A fabulous 520K event that promotes teamwork, encourages a healthy active lifestyle and, at the same time, fundraises for health services throughout Victoria. We’re extremely fortunate to have two teams on the road for us this year: The Scrubbers & The Gasman + Warrnambool College.


We wish all of our riders and support crew a fun and safe trip as they make their way home to Port Fairy this Sunday. Every year The Scrubbers fundraises for highly-specialised medical equipment (most often, for our operating theatres) while Warrnambool College fundraises for our paediatric needs. This year The Scrubbers have a $4,200 OptiflowThrive in their sights (this equipment provides effective oxygenation, positive airway pressure, humidification, and clears carbon dioxide) while Warrnambool College is riding for a $3,000+ children’s entertainment system to be installed from the ceiling of our paediatric unit treatment room for distraction therapy. (We have a similar set up in the paediatric treatment room in our Warrnambool emergency department and it’s a highly valued resource.) Our third team, Grasmere Primary School, rides for our palliative care needs but is this year taking a well-deserved break. We’ll see them back in 2022.


If you’d like to donate to either of the two causes mentioned above you can email SWH community partnerships manager Suzan Morey at

Page last updated: 26 March 2021

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