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SmileyScopes funded

  • Warrnambool Base Hospital
  • Fundraising
  • Emergency Department
  • Donations
  • Children
Tuesday, 23 Apr 2024

Members of the Southwest Bottles & Collectables Club should be very proud of themselves. They’re responsible for garnering tremendous community support to collectively raise the $6,000 we needed for the renting of two SmileyScopes for the sick kids we’ll look after at our Warrnambool Base Hospital during the next 12 months.

The SmileyScope company doesn’t sell this equipment… you can only rent it. And it takes an extra special type of donor to be open to this. Many donors prefer, instead, to give a gift that will finance the actual ownership of a piece of medical equipment.


So what does a SmileyScope do? Its sophisticated software takes children on virtual-reality adventures to relieve stress and anxiety during their medical procedures. They can swim with seals, snuggle kittens at cat cafes, relax under a starry sky… even meditate with Sir David Attenborough. Used in leading Australian and American children’s hospitals, we trialled them last year in our paediatrics unit and our emergency department and they were an absolute hit. There’s not a day they’re not in use. SBCC member Steven Morgan is seen here wearing one. We had 20 minutes to get it back for the next child who had booked it.


Two of our paediatrics unit nurses Alice Leddin (left) and Georgia White (she also works in ED) met with SBCC’s treasurer Martin Fraser (left), Steven, and Brian Mathers yesterday to celebrate the closing of this $6,000 fundraising appeal via one final (and significant) $1,500 donation. This is money the club made from the door-takings and auction at its state show, held in Warrnambool in February. We thank the club and the local businesses and individuals it inspired to donate to this cause, including Stephenson’s Kitchen & Joinery ($500), Kings Catering ($50), Lions Club of Warrnambool ($500), Tim Rayner Audiology ($100), Coopers Panels ($100) and Norton Motor Group ($150).


Meantime, the Collier Charitable Fund is generously financing the $3,000 rental of a SmileyScope for kids in our Camperdown Hospital.


AND IN MORE WONDERFUL NEWS ON THE FUNDRAISING FRONT… the April-9 fashion parade of Warrnambool’s Style 105 was an utter success. It raised the $1,425 we needed to replace a very old weigh-chair in our Warrnambool emergency department. Style 105’s Debbie Arnott and her team run a very slick event. This gift and another from the proceeds of their October fashion parade has resulted in us being gifted $2,575 this financial year.

Page last updated: 30 April 2024

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