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Visitors & Visiting Hours

Visitor Guidelines

Wearing a mask is optional if you are visiting a patient/resident area or have an appointment (Including wards, appointments, urgent care and other clinical areas). There are PPE stations at each entrance and we encourage you to wear a mask if you have any symptoms of illness.
Visitors may be asked to wear a mask or visiting restrictions may be implemented on individual wards in times of outbreaks.
Visiting during periods of outbreaks will be determined by the nurse in charge of the ward.
Visiting hours are between 8 am – 7pm.
If a support person is staying overnight they are encouraged to complete RAT to help protect vulnerable patients and staff.
Visitors with respiratory symptoms or visitors who are a known primary close contact of a positive case are strongly recommended not to visit SWH until feeling better.

Merindah Lodge

Merindah Lodge is open to visitors following a symptom check and RAT.  Staff will provide you with a RAT and will be available to help you if you need assistance. If your result is negative you’re free to enter.​​​​​​​

Page last updated: 30 October 2024

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