Telehealth aims to make it easier for Australians who have difficulty getting to a healthcare professional (GP, specialist or allied health practitioner), or who live in rural and remote areas, to access healthcare services.
An appointment with your clinician can be by video from your home, or from a Community Telehealth Hub. A Community Telehealth Hub is a private room with everything you need for a telehealth appointment, including a computer, webcam, microphone, speakers, good internet connection, and support staff to help you get set up. These are located throughout the Barwon South West region, at health services, community centres and neighbourhood houses. They are available to use free of charge. If you have a telehealth appointment and would like to use a community telehealth hub near you, locate your nearest hub on the map, and call the telephone number listed on the map to book the hub for the same time as your telehealth appointment.