Back row, from left (and they’re all registered nurses unless otherwise stated): Sally Barua, Annette O’Keeffe, Petula Vowles, Nicole Brittain, community palliative care advance care planning officer Melissa Couch and clinical nurse specialist Deb Gertdz, Gina Canfield, Amy Mckenzie, Georgie Wallwork and Emily Keane. Front row, from left: Lisa Stinchcombe, Heather Foley and Elle Price.
Absent, and for good reason, is their nurse unit manager Larissa Barclay who couldn’t be in the photo AND take it as well, and Maureen Reicha who was working in the unit at the time. Thanks for the amazing job each of you do for our patients, their families and our communities. Another dedicated and compassionate group of our SWH family.
Meantime (if you haven’t already) check out our two SWH-produced National Palliative Care Week videos, here on our home page.