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Everyday Foodies

Everyday Foodies; turning local community members into food champions.

The Everyday Foodies program, developed by the South West Healthcare Health Promotion department aims to build the skills and confidence of community members to help make positive changes to healthy eating in the communities in which they live, work, learn or play.

Everyday Foodies attend a FREE half day workshop with the Health Promotion team, which will provide a basic understanding of healthy eating, the things that influence a community’s ability to eat healthy foods and generate ideas for healthy eating activities and messages that people can embed within their practice and circles of influence.

Everyday Foodies are:

  • Passionate about the health and wellbeing of their communities
  • Eager to learn more about how they can promote the joys of nutritious food in their communities
  • Want to engage people in conversations and positive experiences with food
  • Keen to become a positive agent for change within their communities

Please note – at this time, workshops are only available for workplaces, established community groups or community services.

Everyday Foodies will be provided with ongoing support and information, enabling them to share key healthy eating messages and take action to reduce barriers to healthy eating within their communities. All actions will be unique to the needs of the participants and the community.

What will my team/group get from this workshop?

  • Understanding of key healthy eating messages
  • Understanding of what influences a person’s ability to access and consume healthy foods
  • Know what it means to be an Everyday Foodie
  • Have increased confidence to share healthy eating key messages with your community
  • Have increased knowledge to be able to embed healthy eating initiatives and key messages in your practice
  • Feel excited about food!

I’m interested

For more information, and to express your interest in the training and becoming an ‘Everyday Foodie’ please complete the registration form.


South West Healthcare would like to acknowledge the following organisations and programs:

  • South West Healthcare Dietetics
  • Community Foodies SA
  • Food Sensations
  • Red Cross, Food REDi Program
  • FoodBank

There is great work happening in this space and these initiatives have been a great source of information and inspiration in the development of Everyday Foodies.

Page last updated: 7 February 2023

We value feedback from patients, consumers, family members and carers.