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Standard Contracts, Indemnity and Insurance

Research that involves multiple parties requires an agreement, unless written authorisation to waive this requirement is obtained.

Researchers should use the standard research collaboration agreement template depending on the type of research. Current versions for the templates should be used. Clauses in the body of a research agreement should not be changed. Any changes must be referenced in the special conditions, and might require legal review.

Template form examples:

For investigator-initiated collaborative research projects Use standard Research Collaboration Agreement form. Guidance for Monash Partners Research Collaboration Agreement.
For Clinical Trials Use standard Medicines Australia Clinical Trial Research Agreement (CTRA forms) on the Medicines Australia website
For local sponsor and HREC Use standard Indemnity form on Medicines Australia website
For Commercial Sponsors Refer to Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) guide

Page last updated: 15 April 2024

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