Our Food Services manager Craig McLeod has given Inner Wheel Club of Warrnambool’s Jenny Baptiste (from left) and Marg Hutson and our SWH Warrnambool Auxiliary treasurer Pamela Beechey a live demo of the new food carts their clubs have helped pay for.
The new carts serve freshly-brewed or liquid coffee (rather than the instant variety the 30-year-old carts they replace have had no other choice than to serve for the past three decades) via inbuilt dispensers that hold restaurant-quality coffee. For the caffeine-lovers amongst us, we don’t have to tell you what a HUGE improvement this is for our bed-bound patients.
The new carts are also motor-driven which makes them so much more user-friendly for our Food Services team.
Costing $9,000 each, SWH contributed $12,000 towards them and the following generously donated the rest: SWH Warrnambool Auxiliary ($2,700), Inner Wheel Club of Warrnambool ($1,440), Warrnambool’s Style 105 ($1,560), J Guthrie ($100) and $200 came via the commission we receive from the sale of Warrnambool & District Artists Society artwork displayed in our Warrnambool Base Hospital.
In a usual week, we serve close to 1,600 morning and afternoon teas to patients in our Warrnambool Base.