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BBQ fundraiser

  • SWH Woolsthorpe Auxiliary
  • Medical Equipment
  • Fundraising
Wednesday, 08 Nov 2023

Our hardworking Woolsthorpe Auxiliary is running the Bunnings BBQ in Warrnambool on Sunday November 19. Swing by for brunch or lunch. They’ll be there from 9am–4pm helping to raise money for us to buy new medical equipment.

And while we’re at it… their preloved book stall kicks off down at Warrnambool’s Summer Night Markets later next month (every Friday from December 29 to, and including, January 26). If you’ve got any FICTION books you’d like to donate (recent titles in good nick), Barb Draffen at would love to hear from you. This initiative makes 100s of dollars for us. So the more books, the better.

Page last updated: 8 November 2023

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