Vaccinating against the flu saves lives and protects others and it’s incredibly important this year in particular because of Coronavirus. The flu vac, of course, doesn’t protect you against Coronavirus but a combination of both respiratory diseases could be even more life threatening than just one of them. Besides, being immunised not only stops you from being an influenza spreader but stops hospitalisations – which will keep our beds free should Coronavirus take hold.
‘Having the flu vaccine will help reduce the severity and spread of seasonal influenza which can lower a person’s immunity and make them more susceptible to other illnesses like COVID-19. The more people who are vaccinated in the community, the less likely the flu will spread,’ explains our South West Medical Centre practice nurse Katrina Hoye – seen here with her SWMC colleague, registrar Dr Kinson Lao.
Who should have a flu vac? Everyone over six months old.
It’s even free for children aged six months to less than five years old, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people six months and older, pregnant women (at any stage of pregnancy), people 65 years and older, and anyone from six months up who has a medical condition that puts them at increased risk of severe influenza and its complications.
Hopefully you’re now convinced.