South West Healthcare’s Camperdown campus offers maternity services to patients in Camperdown and the surrounding area. Camperdown currently birth approximately 50 babies a year. Here they can be cared for by our Camperdown Midwifery staff during their pregnancy and birth and postnatally in their home.
The models of care offered at Camperdown are:
- Shared Care with Dr Edith Masih and the Camperdown Midwife team. Pregnancy appointments are shared between Dr Masih and Camperdown Midwives. Birthing at Camperdown Hospital.
- Pregnancy care at Camperdown. Midwife appointments are able to be attended at the Camperdown campus whilst all doctor appointments and the birthing of the baby is at the Warrnambool Campus.
- Maternity Assessment Unit- For all urgent pregnancy care, Camperdown midwives assess your concerns and treat accordingly. See Maternity Assessment Unit for reason you may need to be seen in this clinic.
The Camperdown maternity team run antenatal classes on Wednesday evenings and also all day classes on alternating Saturdays. To find out more and book your place please contact 5593 7363.
Page last updated: 31 October 2022