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Booking In Pack

Please find in this information pack some valuable reading material which will be informative and useful throughout the coming months of your pregnancy.

Your midwife will go over this pack with you at your Booking In appointment. Please do not hesitate to ask any of the Doctors or Midwives any questions you may have.

It’s a good idea to write down questions and bring the list with you on your next antenatal visit.

Reducing the risk of stillbirth

Safer Baby – Understanding the five key areas where it is known that stillbirth can be prevented.

Stronger Bubba Born – Looking after bubba for all our mob.

Your pregnancy – Still Aware

Go to sleep on your side

It is also recommended that from 28 weeks, women should sleep on their side for optimal blood flow to their baby. Please see links below for more info
Research shows that going to sleep on your side from 28 weeks of pregnancy halves your risk of stillbirth (The Royal and Australian College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, [RANZCOG], 2019)
Safe sleep in pregnancy – Still Aware

Babies movements are important

Babies often use their movements as a sign to alert us that something may not be right for them on the inside. You should start feeling your baby move between 18-22 weeks of your pregnancy, and by 28 weeks you will notice that your baby has developed its own pattern of movements. Every baby has a different pattern of waking and sleeping so it is helpful if you stay tuned in to your baby’s movements during waking hours.

Your baby’s pattern of movement will remain the same for your baby until birth – it is not true that babies move less as you get closer to your due date. You should feel the same pattern of movements for your baby right up until labour starts and during labour too.

Your midwife or doctor will ask you about your movements at each visit however if you feel there has been a change in the normal pattern (i.e. a change in the frequency or intensity) please contact Maternity Assessment Unit (MAU) or the Maternity Unit at the moment you are concerned, do not wait to report this change at your next appointment.

Still Aware

Maternity Assessment Unit

Every week counts – parent brochure


Emotional health and wellbeing

Beyond Blue

Emotion health and wellbeing: a guide for pregnant women, new mums and other carers. – Beyond Blue

Emotion health and wellbeing: a guide for new dads, partners  and other carers. – Beyond Blue

Emotional wellbeing services at South West Healthcare

Immunisations in pregnancy

Immunisations in pregnancy – Australian Government, Department of Health

Keeping your baby safe
Product Safety – Kids equipment

Tests and medicines for you and newborn babies

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test – OGTT Preparation SWH specific information.

Tests and medicines for you newborn – The Royal Women’s Hospital

Baby Hearing Screen

Newborn Screening Test

Hepatitis B vaccination at birth – health.vic

Breastfeeding Support

Antenatal Classes


Sex at birth, gender and pronouns

In accordance with the Department of Health reporting requirements, all patients at the registration process will be asked about

  • Sex at birth
  • Gender
  • Preferred pronouns

What is the difference between sex at birth and gender?

Sex at birth refers to the category of male or female, assigned to a person at birth based on biological and anatomical characteristics. However, human bodies are diverse and not all bodies conform to these categories. Intersex people have variations in their anatomies, hormones or chromosomes that don’t fit medical and social norms for female and male bodies. A person who is intersex may have been assigned male, female, intersex or as being of indeterminate sex at birth.

Gender refers to a person’s internal sense of being a boy/man, girl/woman, both or neither. For many people their gender identity aligns with the sex they were assigned at birth. Transgender or gender diverse people describe their gender identity as not aligning with the sex they were assigned at birth and includes identities such as: non-binary, trans woman, trans man, genderqueer, gender fluid and more.

What is a pronoun?

Pronouns are words that others may use to refer to you instead of your name, such as he/him, she/her, or they/them.

Why do we need to ask about both sex at birth and gender?

  • Knowing someone’s sex at birth can ensure we provide appropriate medical care for people’s bodies.
  • Knowing someone’s gender ensures we can provide physically and emotionally safe care for people that affirms their identity.


Ambulance Victoria

Now that you are pregnant and expanding your family it is a good idea to make sure your ambulance membership is not only up to date but also includes coverage for your new baby when he/she arrives.
Membership – Ambulance Victoria

Page last updated: 19 September 2024

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