The hope is this will encourage all of us at SWH to keep a personal set of cutlery and crockery in our own offices, in response to current DHHS tearoom restrictions on shared cutlery and crockery.
On top of this Feb-4 activity being a lot of fun, it will focus on wellbeing, learning a new skill and engaging in an activity to encourage sustainability and caring for our environment.
All staff and registered volunteers are welcome to attend in their lunch breaks or before/after their shifts. To book your one-hour spot (between 1 and 5pm) please email Elvira Hewson or Erin Weston.
And if this Feb-4 date or the Warrnambool campus venue (it’s being held in our Frank Lodge Conference Room) doesn’t suit get in touch with Elvira or Erin because other workshop locations and dates will be considered.
As always, COVIDsafe practices will be in place.