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South West Healthcare greatly values the services of volunteers as part of our staffing structure.

Working in a wide range of areas, including wards, allied health departments, Facilities & Supply Department, Emergency Department and Palliative Care Program, volunteers bring a wealth of knowledge, skills and abilities that are greatly appreciated by staff and patients.


  • Receive training to undertake their duties.
  • Are placed according to individual abilities, and the requirements of wards and departments.
  • Are valued members of the team, having rights and responsibilities.
  • Are not required to work more than once or twice a week.

Interested in becoming a South West Healthcare volunteer? You will need to:

  • Be reliable
  • Be willing to work as part of a team and undertake training as required
  • Enjoy contact with a wide range of people in varying levels of health
  • Be punctual, neatly-dressed and well-groomed
  • Be committed to the organisation
  • Have competent literacy and numeracy skills
  • Adhere to organisation policies.

Our Commitment to Child Safety

South West Healthcare is a Child Safe organisation, committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and has a zero tolerance for child abuse.


Roles our volunteers play

Camperdown Hospital: Volunteers support our Meals on Wheels service, are involved in the Camperdown and District Hospital Auxiliary and our Camperdown Hospital Trolley Auxillary.

David Newman Adult Day Centre: Volunteers provided a range of activities for members, including music programs, armchair dancing, bus driving to and from events, assisting with kitchen duties and craft. They offer support and friendship via the centre’s Well for Life Group, Out and About Group, Men’s Social Group and Social Support Group.

Lismore Community Health: Volunteers support program activities for our rurally and socially isolated clients by assisting our Social Support Group with meals preparation and group activities, and by way of helping with music and singing activities, and bus driving.

Macarthur Community Health: Volunteers perform many activities including bus driving, transporting clients to medical appointments, Social Support Group assistance, gardening, telehealth and Broadband for Seniors.

Merindah Lodge: Volunteers and Friends & Relatives of Merindah (FROM) members assist with a variety of activities including craft, music, outdoor gardening, social outings, pet therapy visits and bus driving.

Warrnambool Base Hospital: Volunteers support onsite programs in our emergency department and medical, rehabilitation, acute, haemodialysis and paediatrics units. We currently have over 100 palliative-specific registered volunteers supporting nine inpatient and community-based palliative care programs to provide support to patients and clients, and their carers and families, across our catchment area.

Warrnambool Community Health: Volunteers assist our diabetes, cardiac rehabilitation and continence teams, perform administration tasks, and ensure the smooth running of our Ostomy Association.

Warrnambool Mental Health Services: Volunteers support out acute inpatient unit by helping run the weekly BBQ for our consumers who are inpatients.

For more information about volunteer services at South West Healthcare, contact the Co-Ordinator of Volunteer Services at or phone (03) 5563 1459.

Page last updated: 23 January 2025

We value feedback from patients, consumers, family members and carers.