This is the second $9,200 donation the Camperdown Turf Club has made to the appeal since it commenced in March last year.
In what SWH Appeal Manager Suzan Morey describes as ‘overwhelming’ community support, families, clubs, individuals, workplaces, businesses and local media united to ensure the now-nearing-completion Camperdown Residential Aged Care facility will be the best it can be. Money raised by the appeal will help with the finishing touches to various spaces. It has also funded the residents’ newly-arrived $100,000 minibus.
‘We knew this $562,000 target was a really big ask of our community but it was our one chance to ensure some of our most vulnerable community members get to live in a really special place, both inside and out,’ Suzan says.
The $39.6M initiative includes 36 bedrooms with ensuites, kitchen and therapy gardens, a hair and nail salon, a community café, a reflection room/theatre, an indoor gym and a purpose-built aged care outdoor exercise circuit. The design incorporates best practice, evidence-based aged care design underpinned by dementia-friendly principles. There are multiple resident and family living and dining spaces, including discreet quiet indoor, outdoor and activity-dedicated areas. The architecture maximises stunning views towards the lakes and craters that Camperdown is famed for.
Being built alongside SWH’s Camperdown Hospital, Camperdown Residential Aged Care Appeal will replace the 48-year-old Merindah Lodge. It’s expected to open in the middle of this year.
PHOTO > Recognising the final donation to the $562,000 appeal is, from left, SWH community partnerships manager Suzan Morey, Merindah Lodge nurse Chris Risbey, Camperdown Turf Club (CTC) president Rose Henry, Merindah Lodge nurses Marg Humphrys and Ange Absalom, CTC manager Karen Van Kempen, SWH Camperdown aged care redevelopment manager Janine Dureau-Finn and CTC committee member Anthony Finn.