After donating $12,000 to our medical equipment appeal a month ago, our hard working Woolsthorpe Auxiliary members are back at it, fundraising-wise.
Known for their terrific catering, Sunday saw them providing afternoon tea to a Warrnambool Legacy gathering with special guests: former Governor General of Australia Sir Peter Cosgrove AK CVO MC, partner Lynne Cosgrove and the Hon Dan Tehan MP. The trio was in Warrnambool for Vietnam Veterans’ Day.
Our other auxiliaries are also busy on the fundraising front. Tickets to the Warrnambool Auxiliary’s September-20 Spring Luncheon are now on sale (see the EVENTS section for more info) whilst our Camperdown & District Hospital Auxiliary’s August-30 art show is almost here.
PHOTO: Sir Peter Cosgrove (from left), Michelle Miller, Lynne Cosgrove, Wendy Ludeman, Veronica Cuzens, Helen Harney and Gloria Dickson.