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Fundraising Fashionistas

  • Palliative Care
  • Fundraising
  • Donations
  • District Nursing Service
Tuesday, 04 Apr 2023

The pandemic-related drought on fashion parade fundraisers was broken Sunday when local women gathered at Style 105 to raise money for our Warrnambool Base Hospital. Thank you to the event’s MC Debbie Arnott (who’s also the owner of this boutique that’s impressively just celebrated its 15th year in business), her wonderful models and everyone who attended.

The $1,560 raised moves us one step closer to replacing the 30-year-old food trolleys we’re still using to serve our hospital patients their morning and afternoon teas. We’re really looking forward to owning two latest-model food carts (pictured) that dispense restaurant-quality, freshly-brewed or liquid coffee, courtesy of inbuilt dispensers. Additionally, these carts will be motor-driven which makes them super OHS-friendly for our Food Services staff.

Each cart will cost $9,000. Of the $18,000 needed, we’ve already got $12,000. Our SWH Warrnambool Auxiliary is holding a film morning next month to raise the $3,000 we still need for cart #1. Style 105’s donation means we now just need another $1,440 for cart #2. If you’d like to help us with the financing of cart #2 our fundraising manager would love to hear from you. She’s at

Meantime, there’s a couple of other things we’re needing help to finance – should you, your workplace or your service club be on the lookout for a worthy local cause:

***We’re $717.45 away from being able to successfully close our CoaguCheks Appeal for four new Coagucheks for our District Nursing Service. This will save warfarin therapy patients the enormous inconvenience of, up to twice a week, having to leave their homes for essential instant-result blood tests. They’re $1,000 each. So far we’ve raised $3,282.55.

***Our District Nursing Service also needs a $1,000 pulse oximeter (finger sensor).

*** Our Community Palliative Care Service needs an $867 portable suction unit.

And, while we’re at it, a huge shout out to the staff in our District Nursing, Community Palliative Care and Food Services teams – and every other SWH team – who’ll be working over Easter to care for our hospital patients and at-home clients. We hope the rabbit finds you, wherever you are.

Page last updated: 4 April 2023

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