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  • Fundraising
Friday, 31 Mar 2023

We wish our two 2023 Murray to Moyne Cycle Relay teams – both the riders and their support crews – all the best for this weekend’s event. Both teams are now making their way to the towns they will start from tomorrow morning. Our Scrubbers & The Gasman team will depart from Echuca whilst our Warrnambool College team will leave from Mildura. Relay-style, they’ll cycle 520 kilometres, arriving in Port Fairy on Sunday afternoon.

Aside from the fabulous health and social benefits participants experience over these two days, they also ride in the knowledge they’ll be helping us to buy new medical equipment. Warrnambool College always rides for our paediatric needs and The Scrubbers always rides for our theatre needs. This sees the pair, this year, riding for the same paediatric-specific theatre cause. Warrnambool College is fundraising for the paediatric resuscitation cart we need in our Warrnambool theatres. The Scrubbers’ fundraising, meantime, will pay for the pair of laryngoscopes to equip the cart. In total, $7,000 is required.


Should you wish to support either of these teams by way of a donation please contact SWH fundraising and partnerships manager Suzan Morey at or on 5564 4100.

Page last updated: 31 March 2023

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