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47 babies in 26 days

  • Babies
Friday, 03 Apr 2020

Welcome to the world little Digby. You’ve chosen one of the cruisiest sets of parents around. Just look how chuffed and proud they are, pictured here with registered nurse/midwife Emma Baulch.

Brucknell’s Skye and Tom Harrison can’t speak highly enough about the care they’ve received in our Warrnambool Midwifery Unit. Born on March 31, their first child is one of 47 babies to be born at our Warrnambool Hospital since March 6. This last week alone, 17 babies have been born here. And for us, that’s a lot of babies.

Despite what’s currently going on in the world, our amazing maternity teams at both our Warrnambool and Camperdown hospitals continue to provide high-quality maternity and obstetric services. A few of these services have been slightly altered to ensure our mothers and babies are further protected from Coronavirus.

At our Warrnambool Base Hospital:

  • Antenatal visits are currently a mix of phone and face-to-face bookings
  • Antenatal classes are being provided online
  • Our outpatient service remains as normal
  • Domiciliary care is being provided as normal
  • Labor and birth care is being provided as normal

At our Camperdown Hospital:

  • Antenatal face-to-face appointments onsite, as normal
  • Antenatal classes provided onsite, as always
  • Domiciliary care is being provided as normal
  • Labor and birth care is being provided as normal


Just a reminder that everyone coming to our hospitals is being screened on arrival to further protect our patients, consumers, registered volunteers and staff from the spread of Coronavirus.

Page last updated: 15 December 2020

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